Nowadays, most of people are satisfied with the resolution quality and video quality of the full color LED screens. BUT there are still some of them think it is not clear enough especially when you get more closer to look at the LED screen and for some special applications. And today, we are going to share with some points those can make your LED screen more clear.
Choose the smaller pixel pitch(P1.25 LED Display/P1.5 LED Display/P1.8 LED Display)
Choose the smaller pixel pitch LED screen is the first option choice when you have enough budget, because smaller pixel pitch LED screen makes more resolution on the surface of the LED screen, it can be played more details of the videos or pictures.
Increase the contrast&Increase the gray scale
The contrast is the one of the important point that can make the LED screen clear or not. Generally speaking, higher contrast, higher definition , better colorful. There are a lot of helpful for the definition, details resolution and grey scale by high level contrast. And especially for the many black-white contents video and pictures, high contrast makes the full color led screen shows better black and white colors.
Gray scale means how many levels from the black to white. So which means if you have a more bits, more colors. It makes the LED screen looks more real.
Use the video processor
I can say, the video processor is a really good partner for the LED screen. The video processors makes the LED screen shows more details of the content, increase the quality of the image output. And let the LED screen works with the best status all the time. Any way, there are still a lot of functions for the video processor, like more signal input, better brightness adjustable, etc.
More information about Our LED Display, Please Visit Our, Contact us Mobile Phone/Whatsapp:+86 199 2518 9799 07:28:442019-12-09 07:34:34How To Make Your LED Screens More Clear ?
Broadcast TV studios are special environments that require LED screens to operate at their lowest brightness mode while maintaining the highest image quality. However, reducing displays’ brightness even to 5-10% could lead to various image distortions, such as poor color reproduction, unsmooth gradient, and horizontal stripes across the image. RIGARD LED’s cutting-edge LED video displays operate at brightness as low as 1% while maintaining the same image quality as in full working capacities.
Among top requirements for a TV studio LED screen is a high refresh rate. It could be referred to as a minimum period necessary to renew image for all brightness levels. High refresh rate provides for a flickering-free operation and smooth color gradient to achieve a life-like picture. The higher a refresh rate is, the better image quality is achieved. With a refresh rate up to 7680 Hz RIGARD LED’s state-of-the-art LED video displays are ready for the most demanding TV projects.
TV studios are vibrant environments that are designed according to production needs. The modular design of LED displays gives set designers more flexibility in their designs allowing for building video backdrops of any sizes and forms. RIGARD LED displays are assembled from lightweight, slim modules that could be used to create concave and convex video backdrops of non-standard aspect ratios.
TV studios are brightly lit, space-restricted environments crammed with all sorts of video equipment and therefore prone to overheating. That is why low heat output and efficient heat dissipation are much sought-after features of a TV studio LED screen. Thanks to advanced ventilation system RIGARD’s state-of-the-art LED screens need no additional cooling and feature fanless design for silent operation.
Live broadcasting is an exciting yet challenging process that could turn into a disaster in case of equipment failure. That is why all the equipment used, including large LED video walls, should be dependable as clockwork. RIGARD LED manufactured LED displays are robust, failure-proof products that could be relied upon even during the most demanding live projects.
The rapid development of LED video displays has brought fine pitch video walls into broadcasting. With the resolution of 4K and above, these displays show clear, life-like imagery and videos providing a great background for storytelling. Moreover, fine pitch technology allows for a close proximity viewing without display’s pixels being visible. So the cameras and studio guests could be located within a meter beside it. RIGARD LED offers state-of-the-art fine-pitch LED video solutions for the most demanding TV projects. 08:48:222019-12-02 08:48:22LED SCREENS IN TV & BROADCASTING
It is obvious to see HD LED posters in many airports when people go through the hall to boards, or just walk around in the departure lounge to kill the time,etc.
Many advertisers unveiled their advertising campaign in the airports with new weapons which they found and bought from RIGARD LED.
Thirty even fifty more led advertising displays in three size of 72”, 80”, and 89” stand alone in different locations but are connected in one controlling Ethernet.
The campaign let users to interactive with the New style LED advertising display, by uploading their selfie of themselves online , which could be pressed on all posters in the whole airports,
by giving their reviews for drinking, eating and hotels as tour tips, and by delivering the brand advertisements as well as the flight information on the backdrops, sides or bottom.
“It is a ideal platform to enhance the travel experiences, get closer relationship between brands and thousands peoples passing by the airports everyday! “ Mike, brand director from a famous world sports products manufacturer and provider said.
ABOUT RIGARD LED-China led display screen solution supplier
RIGARD LED as a custom-solution-based LED display manufacturer, provides robust and creative led screen products, timely and professional service as our industry-leading LED screen technologies and integrated LED solutions. Driven to be excellence to meet your standards and special requirements, RIGARD LED provides a one-of-a-kind design for your rental and fixed installation including stores, events, and tours, etc. through our award-winning line of LED video walls and LED video screens. Working with engineers, designers, architects, and consultants, RIGARD LED is eager and proud to develop custom LED solutions for every customer while also providing top-tier customer support service no matter how small the led display is. For more details on the complete line of RIGARD LED LED video screens and video walls, please visit RIGARD LED at, find us on Youtube, Facebook, or get us through direct Email, . 04:16:412019-11-05 04:16:41LED Poster LED Advertising Display Launched in the Airport
What is pixel pitch? How is it related to resolution?
The resolution of a screen is determined by the total number of pixels in a display.
The higher number of pixels renders higher resolution, which means better picture quality. On an LED screen, pixel pitch and viewing distance are very important factors that affect the performance of the sign.
A pixel is the smallest element of a digital image, relative to where it is presented. On an LED display, one (1) LED is referred as a pixel as it is the smallest unit on the LED display. On a computer screen, one (1) dot is referred as a pixel.
An LED screen is made up of an array of pixels, lighting up to different intensities and colors to create letters, graphics, animations, and videos. It’s the same principle your television or computer screen works on.
Pixel pitch is the distance (usually in millimeters) between pixels. A pixel pitch is measured from the center of one pixel to the center of an adjacent pixel. Since the lowest controllable element on an LED screen is one (1) LED, the pixel pitch on an LED screen would be the distance between each LED.
The smaller the pixel pitch, the closer the LEDs are, thus the higher pixel density bringing a higher resolution quality. Higher pixel pitch indicates greater distance between pixels, thus a lower resolution.
While resolution matters, higher resolution does not always means it’s better!
Lower pixel pitch also means higher pixel density. The higher density of pixels means there are more LED on one screen, therefore the LED screen will likely be more expensive and require higher maintenance. Pixel pitch also affects the viewing distance as well as the visual performance of an LED screen.
When choosing an LED screen, business owners should consider the complexity of their display content and what resolution are sufficient in displaying their content. For instance, if the screen were to display simple text and logo animation, high resolution LED screen will not be necessary. It is important business owners consider carefully which LED display pixel pitch would be most cost-effective for their business needs. The ideal solution will always be a combination of cost and resolution.
Pixel pitch typically ranges from 1.25mm up to 4mm for indoor viewing; and pixel pitch can range from 4mm to 10mm or higher for outdoor viewing—outdoor LED screens tend to be larger than indoor screens since the viewing distance is often greater.
When choosing the LED screen pixel pitch, there are two factors to consider.
LED screen optimal viewing distance: When selecting pixel pitch, it is important to first consider the distance viewers will be from the screen. The general formula for the optimal viewing distance is:
E.g., The best viewing distance for a 1.25mm pixel pitch LED screen is 1.5~4 meters; viewers at 2 meters distance will be able to distinguish the LED screen clearly; however, those viewing from a greater distance such as 5 meters, will have less, but acceptable, clarity. (This example is based on normal vision.)
LED screen resolution: RIGARD LED displays are modular and therefore resolutions will vary depending the total size of the screen. Depending on the screen size a minimum of 9 point size font can be displayed.
For outdoor LED screens, pixel pitch between 3mm~6mm is recommended for close distance viewing and pixel pitch between 16mm~20mm for far distance viewing. ClearLED transparent displays are modular and therefore resolutions will vary depending the total size of the screen. Depending on the screen size a minimum of 9 point size font can be displayed.
When selecting a LED screen, the smaller the pixel pitch, the higher the resolution will be, and the sharper and clearer the display will be; however, pixel pitch heavily affects the cost and maintenance of the screen. It is important for business owners to consider the cost, the application, and the objectives of the LED display when choosing pixel pitch.
ABOUT RIGARD LED-China led display screen solution supplier
RIGARD LED as a custom-solution-based LED display manufacturer, provides robust and creative led screen products, timely and professional service as our industry-leading LED screen technologies and integrated LED solutions. Driven to be excellence to meet your standards and special requirements, RIGARD LED provides a one-of-a-kind design for your rental and fixed installation including stores, events, and tours, etc. through our award-winning line of LED video walls and LED video screens. Working with engineers, designers, architects, and consultants, RIGARD LED is eager and proud to develop custom LED solutions for every customer while also providing top-tier customer support service no matter how small the led display is. For more details on the complete line of RIGARD LED LED video screens and video walls, please visit RIGARD LED at, find us on Youtube, Facebook, or get us through direct Email, . 08:20:552019-10-31 08:20:55What is pixel pitch? How is it related to resolution?
Above P2 led display screen generally uses SMD 1515, 2020, 3528 of the lamp, LED pin shape using J or L package. Side welding pin, welding area will be reflective, ink color effect is poor, it is necessary to increase the mask to improve contrast. The density further increases, the L or J’s encapsulation cannot satisfy the application demand, must adopt the QFN package method. This process is characterized by no lateral welding pins, no reflective welding area, which makes the color rendering effect very good.
In addition, the whole black integrated design molding, the contrast of the picture increased by 50%, showing the effect of the application of the image contrast to the previous display better.
2, Mount Technology:
Small pixel pitch LED display of the RGB device location of the small offset will result in the display of the screen is uneven, it is bound to require a higher precision mounting equipment.
3, Welding technology:
Reflow soldering temperature rise too fast will lead to uneven wetting, it is bound to cause the device in the wetting imbalance in the process caused by migration. Too much wind cycle can also cause the displacement of devices. As far as possible to choose more than 12 reflow soldering machine, chain speed, temperature rise, cycle wind as a strict control project, that is, to meet the requirements of welding reliability, but also reduce or avoid the device shift, as far as possible to control the demand range.
Generally, the 2% range of pixel spacing is used as the control value.
4, Printed circuit board technology:
With the development trend of small pixel pitch LED display, the 4-layer, 6-layer Board is adopted, the printed circuit board will adopt micro-hole and buried hole design, printed circuit graphic wire thin, micro-porous narrow spacing, processing in the mechanical way drilling technology has been unable to meet the requirements,
The rapid development of laser drilling technology will meet the micro-hole processing.
5, Printing technology:
Too much, too little solder paste volume and printing offset directly affect the small pixel pitch LED display lamp welding quality. The correct PCB pad design needs to communicate with the manufacturers to implement the design, the screen plate opening size and the correct printing parameters are directly related to the amount of solder paste printing. General 2020RGB devices using 0.1-0.12mm thickness of the electric polishing Laser Steel Network, 1010RGB the following devices recommend the use of 1.0-0.8 thickness of the steel net. The thickness, opening size and the amount of tin increased.
Micro-spacing LED welding quality is closely related to solder paste printing, with thickness detection, SPC analysis and other functions of the printing presses will play an important role in reliability.
6, Screen assembly:
Assembly of the finished box needs to be assembled into a screen to display the small screen, video. However, the size tolerance and assembly accumulative tolerance of the box itself can not be neglected in the small pixel pitch LED display assembling effect. The recent device pixel spacing between box and box is too large and too small will result in the display of dark lines, bright line. Dark lines, bright line problem is now small pixel pitch LED display can not be ignored, the need to overcome the difficult problem.
Some of the companies through the Paste 3m tape, box micro adjustment nut Adjustment to achieve the best results.
7, Cabinet assembly:
The box is formed by splicing different modules, and the smoothness of the box and the gap between the modules are directly related to the overall effect of the box assembly. Aluminum plate processing box, cast aluminum box is the current application of a wide range of box types, flatness can reach 10 wire. The stitching gap between modules is evaluated by the nearest pixel spacing of the two modules, two pixels too close to the light line, two pixels too far can lead to dark lines.
Before assembling, it is necessary to measure and calculate the assembly seam, then use the relative thickness of the metal sheet as the fixture prior to the assembly.
8, System Card selection:
Small pixel pitch LED display light and dark line and uniformity, color difference is led device differences, IC current differences, circuit design layout differences, assembly differences, such as the accumulation of complaints, some system card companies through the software correction can reduce light and dark lines and brightness, chroma uneven. Select High-performance System Card, the micro-spacing LED display brightness, chroma correction, so that the display screen to achieve better brightness and chroma uniformity, achieved a better display effect.
ABOUT RIGARD LED-China led display screen solution supplier
RIGARD LED as a custom-solution-based LED display manufacturer, provides robust and creative led screen products, timely and professional service as our industry-leading LED screen technologies and integrated LED solutions. Driven to be excellence to meet your standards and special requirements, RIGARD LED provides a one-of-a-kind design for your rental and fixed installation including stores, events, and tours, etc. through our award-winning line of LED video walls and LED video screens. Working with engineers, designers, architects, and consultants, RIGARD LED is eager and proud to develop custom LED solutions for every customer while also providing top-tier customer support service no matter how small the led display is. For more details on the complete line of RIGARD LED LED video screens and video walls, please visit RIGARD LED at, find us on Youtube, Facebook, or get us through direct Email, . 07:42:112024-04-25 09:56:09The Guide To Small Pixel Pitch LED Display
Small Pixel Pitch LED Display is a newly, creative, and cutting-edge technology LED display creating endless possibilities to create a memorable viewing experience without sacrificing details of your display content. Experience true UHD quality video with the creative freedom that allows the customer to stand close to the screen, and still present perfect UHD content.
Small Pixel Pitch LED Display is excellent color consistency than ever before. It’s perfect for those occasions that call for a high-quality image LED solution. Small Pixel Pitch LED Display is an extremely high-resolution product like no other.
Small Pixel Pitch LED Display is a breathtaking, self-contained, turnkey video display perfect for all commercial video display needs. Its lightweight and slim body allow for it to be moved to maximize viewer experience.
Rigard LED specialized in the innovation of customizable LED products and all-around excellent service for better serve customers’ needs.
Innovative and professional LED supplier Rigard LED offers creative, inspirational and customizable LED products for LED production companies in all entertainment markets. We highlight customization in our integration service, sharing the same goal as yours: to make LED display. Our LED display department to serve you in high professional standard with a decade of experience in entertainment LED industry. Whatever the scope of your project could be, there is seamless support for you before, during and after a sale. Even if something goes wrong, it won’t last long.
For more information on Rigard LED display, visit Rigard LED at 03:38:292019-08-24 02:09:15Small Pixel Pitch LED Display For Broadcast
The 2018 FIFA World Cup is currently ongoing in Russia which started from June 14th and will end with the final match on July 15th, 2018. There are 64 matches in total held in 12 venues located in 11 cities. This is the first World Cup took place in Eastern European, and the first time the tournaments play on two continents – Europe and Asia. It attracts billions of people not only the loyalty football fans watching the grand ceremony and marvelous matches gathering the globe top football players.
This eye-catching event has become the most important advertising battlefield this year, where you could promote the products and companies, and get your domestic brand to be known around the world. Around 2.4 billion dollars has been invested in advertising. And the biggest part around 835 million dollars is from Chinese companies. Chinese also won the most FIFA sponsors numbers up to 7.
You will not feel strange when you see Chinese characters showing on the perimeter led display.
LED digital signage will be nearly found everywhere during the World Cup season. For example, in the large football stadiums, the digital signage can play advertisement that builds your brand, and deliver information for fans, capture and maximizes the fan experience. And in the broadcasting studios, the true seamless fine pitch led digital wall help to create the immersive environments for TV-front fans.
Let’s see the main types of sport digital signage used in Word Cup Russia.
LED scoreboards: Show scores;
LED handed boards: Show allowance&extra time and substitution number;
LED video displays on stand: Show replays, players profiles and live video;
LED display standing around the court(LED perimeter display): Advertise the brands for live and TV audience;
LED display in the studio: Broadcasting, replay and tactical analysis ;
Here let’s allow to spend some minutes to discuss the last one, the narrow small pixel pitch LED display used for broadcasting studios. By using latest LED display technology, the fine pitch led display series made by Rigard LED (a Chinese creative led display supplier), have been installed in small and big studios in different countries and won very good reputation.
*Front installation and front maintenance, quickly change any broken module, power supply, and receiving a card without high skills;
*Cable-less design between tiles, fast assemble a led screen and get it to work in any urgent broadcasting event;
*High refresh rate and ultra-high contrast, professionally work with smart cameras;
*Calibration data retrieval function and Redundant design for power and signal supply, intelligently work for important shows;
Although LED display technology has been rapidly increasingly installed in broadcasting studios, we still need to learn how it can be utilized for new sets. It is more involved than just hanging or holding a display on support.
During the studio set design phase, clients have many questions to ask and to be answered correctly, but in order to choose the correct and currently available LED display technology, more importantly, it is to ask the right questions and get the proper answers. In order to ask the correct questions, some basic things need to be considered including what is behind the technology, what is available, and how it interfaces with the broadcast studio infrastructure both electronically and physically without diminishing the integrity of the set design.
LED display systems are designed with 4 main system components:
* Tile/Cabinet size ( The tile or cabinet is the largest active component of an LED display.)
* Signal processing (How the video signals are distributed and reach the display.)
* Power supply (How’s the power cabling and what’s input voltage between AC220V or 120V)
Support Structure (How the LED display system is supported, floor-stood, hung, embedded or surface mounted.)
The LED display systems have become the main design choice for studio video walls. Consulted with experienced LED display experts from the very beginning of the design, through the completed installation process, and use of the LED display system, is essential before making the decisions of what to use, where and how to make.
Rigard LED, the solution-based led display manufacturer has much experience in cooperating with broadcast system integrator and the best set designers. We are pleased to recommend professionals to you. 03:35:242019-07-23 03:32:41Fine pitch led display in 2018 FIFA World Cup
It comes to 2019 that the new trend for LED display technology will probably be the Mini LED display and COB LED display. On March 3rd, ISLE (International Signs & LED Exhibition) was held in Pazhou Expo Center in Guangzhou, China, which lasted 4 days with 100,000 square meters area and 1,800 exhibitors. In this exhibition, the leading LED company has shown its latest technology. Let’s have a fast look at what will be the trend in the LED display market.
In this show, the NationStar showed their high-end LED components, REESTAR and Mini LED. It is well known that the REESTAR has been required in making high grade outdoor led screens by branded led display users. With REESTAR RS-1515MBAM, RS-C1414MBAR, RS-C1921MBAR series, outdoor LED display can reach P2~P4 Narrow pitch scope. Mini LED was another core stuff which NationStar focus in 2019. Mini LED is mainly used in two aspects, the direct-viewing LED screen and backlight of the commercial big TV. As to LED screen, Mini LED can help the LED display manufacturer to produce P0.X successfully.
Another leading LED encapsulation factory, the Kinglight also promote its Mini LED components. It including the “ Hummingbird Max” and display module, “JiMu”(积幕). The Hummingbird Max is a revolutionary product, taking advantage of both SMD and integrated encapsulation technology. With its own patent technology, it was claimed that it can get perfect color consistency of led screen. And it will get 4 times SMD processing speed and double stability compared to traditional lamps. The JiMu (积幕) can be used for fine pitch up to P0.5 and expanded to Micro LED display region. More importantly, it can get a higher contrast and better visual effect.
The big component company, the MLS also showed their creative TOP 1010/1212, 4in1, 6in1 and the LED for an outdoor transparent display.
The COB LED Display Shinning in the Show
LEDMAN released its latest P0.9 COB Narrow pixel pitch LED display. They made many improvements based its previous versions. Firstly, the P0.9 COB used common cathode design to get 30% lower power consumption. Secondly, its P0.9 COB highly increased its performance of color consistency by optimizing its surface processing and lens design.
Cedar Electronics already had a good reputation for its COB series. Without question, this time it showed its full COB series including P0.7, P0.9, P1.1, P1.2, and P1.9.
Accessories Suppliers Strongly Supported the Mini LED Application
The biggest LED display PSU supplier, MeanWell demonstrated their UHP and HSP series, fan-less, natural cooling design, smaller, lightweight which could work well with Mini LED display for smaller pitch development.
The world leading controller supplier, NOVA showed its HDR and All in one controller, can get much better screen color performance. Also, its Cloud information releasing system attracted audiences’ eyes again.
Rigard LED-Chinese LED Screen Supplier
As one of creative led display manufacturers in China, Rigard LED pays attention to every new technology revolution and definitely always is trying to develop new products by using the latest technology, Mini LED and COB LED as planned. What we want to do is going to provide high performance under better cost controlled displays. If you have any inquiry or more information about for COB display, pls don’t hesitate to send us to email to 03:25:082019-07-23 03:33:22Why say that Mini LED,COB LED Display is the trend?